Friday, September 02, 2011

Back to the 'ol grind!

We had a terrific summer, but the teacher in me always enjoys the excitement of a new school year!  We started our school year on August 10th and it felt really good to be back in the saddle!  I worked on restructuring some of my class materials over the summer and so far everything is working out smoothly!  

The first week of every school year the entire high school does a unity building and spiritual emphasis weekend as a way of welcoming the freshmen and new students and bonding as a high school.  We travel to a nearby beach and camp on the sand and enjoy each other, the sun, and the ocean!  I am one of the teachers responsible for planning this excursion! Part of the weekend includes worship times and listening to the guest speaker.  I truly believe that this is a spiritually renewing time for our high school students and also a great bonding experience.  You can see the difference in the atmosphere of the school from before beach trip to after beach trip.  

I would like to share some pictures of my beach trip experience.
This is our group during a morning meeting. We meet under tarps to sing and pray!
Relaxation mode!
Our make-shift kitchen.

I would also like to draw your attention to our new email address:  Please make this change so that we can effectively stay in contact!  Thanks for reading!


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